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Francis Sandford

Price: $30.00
Sale Price: $22.50
The History of the Coronation of James II

Many a “splendid occasion” in European history – coronation, royal wedding, funeral, beatification, embassy or triumphal entry – has been commemorated in an illustrated “festival book.” Like a souvenir scrapbook, such volumes record memorable events down to their most fleeting aspects: the food and the fireworks. Catholic Italy and France, eminent in opera and liturgy, were the chief producers of festival books. Even though England came late to the genre, The History of the Coronation of James II is one of the most splendid illustrated books of the seventeenth century. It served as a visual touchstone for subsequent coronations, almost inventing a tradition. British royal ceremonial is one of the few to survive intact, and it remains the most magnificent and brilliantly orchestrated. Here in twenty-eight double-page plates, drawn under the direction of the herald Francis Sandford, one may follow every detail of the procession and banqueting, from the discreet presence of the diarist Samuel Pepys, holding a pole of the canopy that shields the king, to the “1,445 dishes of the delicious viands” consumed that day.


-Commentary by Stephen N. Zwicker, Humanities Professor and a noted author on seventeenth-century literature and politics
-Magnify up to 300%


-Digital images of every page of this rare book, cover to cover, in full color, presented as uncropped spreads
-Print and Thumbnails files for creating printed references
-PDF file on CD-ROM with all of Adobe Reader’s viewing, navigation, and search features
-Octavo Digital Guide and Help files


- Adobe Reader 5.0 or later 
- Windows PC with Pentium processor running Windows 95 or later
- Macintosh Power Mac running OS 9.2, or OS X 10.1 or later. Linux 2.2 kernel on X86 computer
- Color Monitor (15" or larger, capable of displaying millions of colors recommended)
- CD-ROM drive

The original book imaged for this digital edition: 19 3/4 x 12 inches (502 x 305 mm)
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